Geneology / Family Tree


The "Tapscott's" -- Who are we?

Where do we come from?.

An extract from the family tree can be found here (the link may open another tab or window depending on your browser settings) - the pages will continue to be updated as we trace more members of the family.

So far we have traced origins, on the Tapscott side of the family, through South Wales and then back to the Othery / High Ham / Langport area of Somerset (I was born in Somerset). There are many Tapscott's buried around Minehead (near the Somerset / Devon border) and we have confirmed links to Culmstock in the east Devon area. Finally, there is mention (in family folklore!) of a Tapscott being hung after the "Bloody Assizes" trials at Taunton after the Battle of Sedgemoor (c 1685), and also, we believe, of one or two Tapscott's being sent to the West Indies at the same time.

We have also included details (as received from one of his descendants) of Samuel Tapscott (who has the same father as my great great grandfather) and his lineage - Samuel emigrated to Australia in 1849. There are also a large number of Tapscott's in the USA and Canada. We have tentative links to living members in the latter and this is an avenue that will be followed in due course.

There is also good progress on my Mothers side - the Wallace family, where the family tree has been traced back to circa 1800. On the way was a major link with the Storey family, with a number of the Wallace clan marrying Storey's.

© Tapscott 1999-2024.    Last revised: 01 January, 2024